Make the routes of your visitors
with disabilities
flow better
You can better meet their needs and make their getting around easier within your venue. Our solution Evelity offers them more comfort and eases their mental burden.
It's the first wayfinding app that can adapt to all types of disabilities. Evelity is 100% inclusive.

They trust us

How to find one's bearings with more autonomy?
Evelity works like a GPS but it's about navigating within venues. What makes it even more innovative is that this app was specially conceived to adapt to the different situations of disabilities. It takes into account the preferences of the user to give them adapted instructions and routes. Users with disabilities get their autonomy back.Evelity is free and available on iOS and Android.
What is Evelity?
Thanks to our indoor wayfinding solution, our app guides users up to about 1 meter.A true technological innovation to help them find their bearings with more serenity. They have access to all the services you provide.
It's the ideal assistant for all their trips within your building.

Choose an user-adjustable solution to satisfy all your visitors
Users just have to indicate what type of route best meets their needs (using elevators or stairs...). The interfaces and the navigation adapt according their preferences (easy-to-read and easy-to-understand language, map, audio instructions...).
Everything is made so that your visitors can be guided, decide where they want to go by themselves and enjoy your venue.
Your visitors always know where they are and where they go
GDPR compliance: no personal data is collected
Personalized and user-adjustable solution: it adapts to the needs of the users
Discreet and easy installation to suit your venue's esthetics
Creation of courses and points of interest