They trust us

Help visually impaired people cross the street
In 1993, we invented the accessible pedestrian signals that equip cities throughout France. Our solutions are reliable, innovative and connected.

Make the trips of riders with disabilities easier
In 1995, we invented the audio beacon that equips the largest public transit networks. We keep innovating to provide easy-to-deploy and comfortable solutions for all riders.

Make people with disabilities feel welcome at your buildings
Since 1998, we've made more than 12,400 buildings accessible in France. Every day, we focus on making buildings more welcoming and confortable thanks to physical and digital solutions.

We make culture and art accessible to all !
Tactile Studio is the world’s leading inclusive design agency for museums and cultural institutions. We enhance connection and engagement with arts and culture by designing multisensory and interactive trails, tactile models, wayfinding systems, and sensory-driven museography.
Solutions that change the lives of people with disabilities
Since 1993, with the invention of accessible pedestrian signals, until today with the first inclusive wayfinding app, we've always conceived our solutions with people with disabilities.

Accessibility has to be free for users
Being able to go anywhere we want and when we want is a right. And that's thanks to accessibility that people with disabilities can be free in their everyday trips. We're convinced that no one should have to pay for their freedom to get around with more autonomy. We don't want for them to pay for smart glasses, smart canes or bracelets to simply do what's in their given right: getting around in their city.

Accessible Pedestrian Signal
Accessible pedestrian signals aren't only about conveying WALK or DON'T WALK signals. Our APS enables blind and visually impaired pedestrians to easily locate the crosswalk.

Before being able to enjoy your venue, a blind or visually impaired person first needs to locate its exact entrance.

Wayfinding App
You can better meet their needs and make their getting around easier within your venue. Our solution Evelity offers them more comfort and eases their mental burden.

Inclusive design agency
Tactile Studio help museums and cultural institutions develop their audiences and enhance the visitor experience through inclusion.